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Writer's pictureJanika LeMaitre

6 Women-Led TEDTalks You Should Watch

Have you gone onto the TEDTalks website and found yourself going down a rabbit-hole of videos? Well, let me help you out: These six talks I’ve personally handpicked for you to watch will influence you greatly. They are thought-provoking and will challenge you in some way to rethink your norms. So when you have some time to watch one – or a few – I hope that you’ll also take something away to help improve your life. By the way, I’ve saved the best for last.

Teresa Bejan is an American political theorist and author. Teresa cleverly explains why the debate is necessary and how – rather than argue and achieve no resolution – the use of debate creates an understanding of how to get along in a civilized manner.

Pat Mitchell is the creator of TEDWomen. Her lifelong journey has been dedicated to supporting women and bringing topics to light that have oppressed our gender in society. Through this TEDTalk, Pat paints a very inspiring and detailed picture of what being a “dangerous woman” means and why you should become one too. This is a must-watch.

Rachel Botsman is an author and expert on trust in the modern world. Although this TEDTalk is from 2012, Rachel brings to attention – with relatable data – what it takes to build trust through social media and how your “reputation data” is formed online.

Amy Cuddy, the American social psychologist, presents her views on how body language affects how you are portrayed and how your communication is received. She defines the difference between what powerful and powerless poses look like.

Laura Vanderkam is the author of I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time. Her explanation of how time is highly elastic and that time is a choice. Treat our priorities as high.

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and founder of, provides three topics that women should focus on to help themselves "lean in". This is one of the best female TEDTalks I’ve seen yet.

Whether you’ve watched one or all six talks, your way of thinking by one of these topics has been altered: You are now going to really think about some of the ways you might make positive changes in your life. With that said, go on and be a "dangerous woman".


About the author, Janika LeMaitre

Jan is a certified etiquette advisor, specializing in personal brand strategy. Her mission is to provide life-changing soft skills for business owners and industry trail-blazers to self-manage and evolve their reputation. Jan is certified with the Protocol School of Washington® and The British School of Excellence™. In addition, she is the board president of Women's Business Group Connects, and as a second-generation Rotarian, proudly serves as a board director at the Rotary Club of Weston & Wayland.

Download your complimentary copy of Jan's "Handling Gender-Neutral Pronouns With Style" quick guide here.


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